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    “Do you think you could run 60 miles in August to raise money for MND?” A simple question that led to Fiona and Alex signing up for a summer challenge to fundraise for this fantastic charity and cause. 
    Thumbnail for 60 miles in August for MND | English
    These are the official representatives of the University of Sheffield in India.
    Coming to an event at The University of Sheffield?
    Guidance on avoiding using unfair means when submitting assessed work.
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    Below is a list of relevant publications from the project team.
    Thumbnail for Outputs | Geography
    Off. MAGLab is recruiting for 2022! We are working towards greater equality, diversity and inclusion in our research. If you are interested in pursuing research or gaining research experience in MAGLab, please see the following options to choose the
    Off. Drop calorimetry or DSC to measure heat capacity, heat content, or heat of dissolution and formation. Automated sample charger for multiple successive drops. High temperature (up to 1500C) measurements by [isothermal] drop calorimetry for
    The Department's new Research Magazine is published.
    Thumbnail for New Research Magazine | CBE
    A place-based heritage project co-produced with communities and organisations across the city of Sheffield
    Thumbnail for Roots and Futures | Archaeology
    Listings of our upcoming events and conferences.
    Thumbnail for Events and conferences | Sheffield Methods Institute