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Showing 1 - 10 of 26 results for "professor will zimmerman"
    Energy Engineering. Alternative Fuels, Biomass and Biofuels. CO2 Sequestration Technologies. Professor William Zimmerman. ... Professor Jags Pandhal. Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. My Research interests are:. ... Hydrogen Product…
    And who will bear the cost? Chaired by University of Sheffield political economist Professor Michael Jacobs, this live panel discussion brings together four experts from different viewpoints. ... But what will it take to achieve it? What changes wil…
    Thumbnail for Beyond COP26 Player
    Professor Shaun Quegan, School of Mathematics and Statistics. The Film. Produced by Humanstudio. ... 1 Dec 2018 20:00. An animated film exploring the science behind the European Space Agency BIOMASS mission, which will use a revolutionary radar syst…
    Thumbnail for BIOMASS Player
    Will we use language to communicate with robots, or are there other ways? ... The film asks some compelling questions about the machines that will be part of our everyday lives in the near future. ... And how will the revolution change art? Credits…
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    25 Sep 2023 09:00. Professor David Forrest, School of English, has collaborated with writer Rachel Genn, Debbie Ballin and Human to create Battledress. ... Pat Dallman . Will McTaggart . Martin Jones. Jennifer Booth. Ingrid McKinney/Esther McKinney.
    Thumbnail for Battledress Player
    These samples will be studied to see what their alteration can tell us about the long term durability of glasses designed to keep radioactive elements locked away for tens of thousands ... Professor Caroline Jackson, Department of Archaeology.
    Thumbnail for The Ballidon Experiment Player
    Each selection will have an environmental impact, either positive or negative, from when they are extracted, processed, used, recycled to how they are disposed of. ... Professor Claire Corkhill, Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
    Thumbnail for Materials Matter: Sustainability for a Cleaner Planet Player
    Having turned to the study of psychology during his wife’s illness, Lucas becomes increasingly fascinated by the science of the mind and will spend WWII working for British Intelligence at ... Professor Julie Gottlieb, Department of History. The
    Thumbnail for The Nervous State: Collaboration, Performances and Impact Player
    The switch to churns will cut the carbon footprint of milk delivery to the University by over 65 per cent – equivalent to 6.5 tonnes of CO2 every year. ... The pumps have initially been installed in three of the University’s busiest cafes, which will
    Application Areas. Manufacturing: Materials, Surface Metrology, & Pharmaceuticals (in collaboration with Professor A.D. ... Keywords: Automatic Control and Systems Engineering. Professor Michail Balikhin. Department of Automatic Control and Syst…